Mother’s Day Meditation Prayer – Tonight

mother and child painting

Join me for a Mother’s Day Meditation


WHERE: Wherever you are.

Please join me this evening in a meditation prayer of thanksgiving, and gratitude honouring the mothers in our lives.

This is an opportunity to meditate and send love to those we call mother. A birth mother or one who has played that role in our lives. Our relationship with the mother is often a complex one so it is also a space to offer healing to those relationships that may need it, to offer acceptance, forgiveness and maybe even apologies. For those who are no longer by our side, it is a chance to offer a prayer that moves between the worlds, for I do not believe love restricts itself to the boundaries of this mortal reality, but can transcend time and space. As we give love so we still receive it, it never ends.

Also, in recognition of WWF’s global Earth Hour last night in solidarity for the planet, I invite you to offer your meditation prayer to the supreme mother, mother to us all: Mother Earth. For it is she who truly shows us unconditional love, who nourishes us and provides for us and teaches us, no matter how much we demand from her, exploit her, make her sick, and disrespect her. She keeps on giving. We owe her so much.

I really hope that you can join with me in this Mother’s Day meditation prayer (and by prayer I simply mean a dedication from the heart.) There are no right or wrong ways to participate, but as a suggestion do switch off your phone, lights etc and find a quiet space. Perhaps light a candle. If you have a photo of your loved one you may like to place this nearby, or simply write the mother’s name on a piece of paper. For the Earth offering you could also place something from nature with your other items, eg a flower, leaf, feather etc.

Get comfy. Lie down or sit in your chosen space, and allow yourself to relax, empty your mind, and feel the intention of your prayer alive in your heart. Call to mind the prayer or message you wish to send to Mother.

Alternatively, you may feel drawn to sing, pray out loud, rattle, dance, do some yoga. It really doesn’t matter, your intention is the key.

If you are busy at this time, you can simply tune in, and offer a quiet prayer without interrupting whatever it is you need to be doing.

Above all, know that although we are separate and strangers to each other, in this moment you are not alone, our prayers, our hearts, are joined in a beautiful spirit of shared intent, love, healing, grace, gratitude. A unique and beautiful act of unity dedicated to the Mother.

I look forward to weaving this invisible circle with you tonight between 8-9pm, as I dedicate a prayer to my own amazing mum.

Wishing you peace, health and love,

Leah xx

mother earth





5 Comments Add yours

  1. Claire Hunt says:

    Thanks for this invitation to join in, a lovely idea. I was a bit a late to the party but it was a comforting thing to do to set aside the time to think of my mum. Many blessings to you Leah and all my thanks for your kindnesses to us all, wishing you well.


    1. Thank you claire


  2. roger says:

    My thoughts are with you. I hope you win your battle.


  3. Angela says:

    I have just been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. I felt I had to write to congratulate you on such positivity. A truly inspiring person.


  4. Jane says:

    Leah, I remember this meditation so well, so much so that I wrote it to you on your FB page an the end of the meditation. As i sit here reading back on your invite I am reminded of that very special meditation evening and how truly amazed I was to have felt such a strong presence of the group energy. This was my first and only remote meditation with you and I can honestly say that I have never before felt such a connection as I did with you and all who participated . I have done many different meditations over the years and absolutely nothing came close to the energy I felt as we all joined together that evening to set our intentions, bless our loved ones, send our collective gratitude to our mother and send our healing energy to one another. I feel so very blessed to have connected with you and the wonderful spirit of your Facebook page, and your inspiring journals. I sat down 3 evenings ago and did a meditation. Though truly heart broken my intention was set and sending you all my love and light and my intention was to visualise your gentle journey and it to be full of love. Your presence was felt immediately for the whole meditation, and once again it was I who you healed. Absolute blessings to you Leah, and thank you for showing your ever present spirit.With Love and Gratitude Jane xx


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